Excesses and extremes. Too often, we live in these ways, whether it’s smoking, eating, drinking, stressing, or carrying around emotional and physical pain. Then those realities get ingrained in our daily existence, running the same tracks in our minds over and over that turn them into habits and lifestyles. The scientific term for that is neuropathways, and Wendy MacDonald with Spectrum Solutionz Integrative Hypnotherapy says there are effective ways to change course.
“Hypnotherapy works because it alters the neuropathways that are firing in our brains,” she explains. “If the mind wants to change, the body and the chemical balance will change.”
The key? You really gotta WANT it. MacDonald says you must be ready for change and desire that for yourself; if you do it for other people, it’s not the same. But if you’re “all in” for YOU, here are some of the issues that hypnotherapy is known to help with…
- Sleep problems
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Hot flashes
- Anxiety/stress
- Emotional issues
- Physical pain (arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, cancer)
How Hypnotherapy Works

So what does it mean to go under hypnosis? Here’s how MacDonald’s website describes it…
“Under hypnosis a person has more awareness than in the awake state. All five senses are heightened. There is a focusing on a specific goal. Under hypnosis you will stay in total control and will not say or do anything that is outside of your inner comfort level.
Hypnosis is a therapeutic way of transforming your lifestyle on a subconscious basis. The subconscious mind is the emotional mind that contains our belief systems. When a behavior needs modification, hypnosis helps to get to the cause and allows appropriate modification.”
MacDonald also outlines 11 truths about hypnotherapy that we find fascinating, if you’d like to learn more.
An Integrative Approach

As what’s known as an “integrative hypnotherapist,” MacDonald utilizes a range of tools in her professional toolbox to help people, including Neuro-linguisitic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Gestalt Therapy and more. With her many years of experience, MacDonald says she accesses what’s needed instinctively and personalizes the modalities to best serve clients. As one example, you can see her in action using Eutaptics at a Maui Cancer Resources event.
“I hope that I inspire the people of Maui by being a positive influence and showing people they can change the way they perceive their life and other people, and enjoy their lives in a way that perhaps they hadn’t realized, regardless of their situation.”
She offers private, individualized sessions out of her South Maui office, and also offers group sessions for two or more people. MacDonald works as easily in-person as she does online, holding regular virtual workshops on topics of wellness and self-care like focus, happiness and life vision. Learn what clients have to say on her YouTube channel.
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy for Weight Wellness

MacDonald recently started offering a proven protocol called Virtual Gastric Band, which began in the U.K. and has since become immensely popular worldwide. It’s a “no-diet, no-deprivation” hypnotherapy program where people can shrink their stomachs and drop a dress size in four sessions, whether individual or group, online or in person.
“They have the power in their mind and inner wisdom; all we have to do is access that power,” says MacDonald. “If you’re used to having a certain thought patterns and you do the conscious and the subconscious work to make new neuropathways to the way you’d like it to be, then you’ll make the change.”
Get more details about MacDonald’s mindset and methods on her Spectrum Solutionz Integrative Hypnotherapy website.