You ever have one of those moments where you’re just minding your own business, driving on the highway …and out of nowhere, a speeding car almost veers into your lane and nearly hits you?!
Those intense seconds where I’m suddenly white-knuckling the steering wheel are often followed by…shaking. As I realize what was *this* close to happening, my body is already processing the stress, and tremors are a natural way to let that go, according to Sam Molitas.
A Life-Changing Introduction

As a master massage therapist for decades (and owner of Maui’s Best Massage in Kīhei and Lāhainā), Molitas is very well-versed in all kinds of wellness techniques. But the first time he experienced something known as TRE, or tension release exercises, he was beyond blown away.
“Within the first five minutes, I really felt inside that his was a path I wanted to follow and will probably be doing for the rest of my life,” he explains. “It impacted me that quickly and that immediately.”
Molitas got certified in the practice and brought it to Maui, though hour-long sessions are also available virtually. With a mission to help folks “Transform, Relax, Emerge,” he guides them through a series of stretching exercises, helping to prime the body for what comes next — the tremors.
“All mammals can do it; it’s inborn,” says Sam. “People have different reactions to it, but it’s all totally natural.”
Experiencing TRE as a First-Timer

I went into TRE not knowing WHAT to expect. Molitas starts by sharing some background on the technique, which was first developed by a doctor who witnessed the effects of trauma in war-torn countries. After that, there’s a bunch of stretches — they were simple, and apparently quite effective in prepping me for the tremor phase, which was mainly in my legs, but I’m told with experience, your whole body can shake pretty powerfully!!
It was initially a pretty bizarre feeling to have your body shaking like that, but once I reminded myself to just allow and accept it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Really cool to embrace your power and let your body go. You can also adjust positioning to lessen or strengthen the tremors at any point, and Molitas also teaches you a way to stop if you need a break (I never did).
After the rounds of tremors are done, there’s a calming span at the end which kicked me into an almost euphoric meditation!! For those who want even more relaxation at the end, Sam also offers a 30-minute massage as reinforcing bodywork.
Making TRE Your Own

A day later, I could sense how much stress had left my body after just one experience. Also neat? The goal with TRE is to teach you the techniques so you can eventually do it yourself during times of stress or as part of a daily wellness regimen. Molitas says for him lately, it’s been crucial.
“Recently my mom passed away, and I used TRE pretty much every single day to help with all the stress and the tension and the unknown,” he shares. “In the moment with feelings of overwhelm, I can let it go and release it. It really helps.”
If you’d like to become a “mover and shaker,” visit the TRE with Sam website or check out this small business on Facebook and Instagram to learn more.
To get moving in a different way, have you tried ShaktiRize? The Maui fitness craze offers ladies an unforgettable blend of Kundalini yoga and world dance; these classes also helped inspire a book you can learn about in our blog, Soul Surge: Maui Author, Global Vision. #SmallBusinessSupport #MauiAwareness #MauiInspired